The End is Near (and we deserve it). . . . Funeral Home Teams Up with Starbucks

South Carolina funeral home teams up with Starbucks to bring grieving customers and anyone else with money a bit of comfort.

Let me guess . . . Coffee to die for?

Blogs and Articles in No Particular Order

First off, congratulations to Ingrid Schaffenberg on her first TV hosting job! Right now, Ingrid is painting New York red at Thrillerfest, but she took a moment to share how letting go has helped her in her life. Dreams Really Do Come True

Mihael at SMPLEFY takes us walking through Nyon, Switzerland. Leaving Nyon

Phil, the Philosopher Mouse of the Hedge has some suggestions for D.C. storm optimizing and some fascinating facts about junk food, the Dept. of Agriculture, and Yellowstone Bears. Yes, they really do go together. Bear-ing in Mind

Skeletons (and Mancandy) in the Attic by Roni Loren. Things forgotten and things remembered. What is in your childhood boxes?

Padres Fan Nailed by Foul Ball While Updating Facebook. Cool video.

Ellie Ann gave me a smile this week. You Know You’re a Toddler When . . .

Heather Konik gives us her 8 Reasons Why ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ Isn’t for Me. This lady is a hoot, and I think we should all encourage her to write her own Fifty Shades of Khaki. Be sure to watch the video at the site. Who knew Selena Gomez could be so funny?

Dress Made from 50,000 Gummy Bears. Only 220 lbs. Gives new meaning to The Gummy Bear Song.

Playing with my Poll Daddy today, which sounds totally wrong, but I didn’t name it. The point is that I have a few questions for you. Since it’s election season, I wrote them in the style of campaign writers.

All the best to all of you for a week with more coffee than funerals.

Piper Bayard–The Pale Writer of the Apocalypse

19 comments on “The End is Near (and we deserve it). . . . Funeral Home Teams Up with Starbucks

  1. kimterry says:

    We sell Starbucks at my church congregation but it’s a part of a little meeting area.

  2. I’ve seen coffee shops in churches…but a funeral home? I hope they don’t multitask and warm their premade sandwiches in the crematorium ovens.

    And that gummybear song is rather catchy! LOL

  3. Thanks for the mention.
    That coffee shop story just seems like a sitcom waiting to be written?
    Funny post as usual!

  4. Frappucino and a skinny blueberry muffin to go with your deluxe burial package? I can see it catching on.

  5. tomwisk says:

    Please keep the polls as a Friday feature. I HATE Starbucks. I don’t drink coffee so it goes without saying, which I did.

    • Piper Bayard says:

      Glad you liked that, Tom. It was fun for me to do.

      I don’t drink coffee, either, but I sometimes lurk in Starbuck’s to write when my teens are being loud at home. When I was a secretary, I was often asked to make coffee when I would first start a job. I said nothing. Just did it. Since I don’t drink it, I had no idea how to make it, and I worked that to my advantage. I was never asked twice. 🙂

  6. Dave says:

    Never thought I’d say this, but the Gummy Bear song is damned funny, regardless of the language you listen to it in. It probably goes well with alcohol.

  7. ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ – yah, Twilight fan-fic with rather disturbing smut that somehow got published. Ecch. On the other hand, you could buy an awful lot of Starbucks funeral coffee with the royalty checks. ‘And would you like formaldehyde with that?’

  8. Piper, if you’ve seen the movie Idiocracy, you will know there is 1 business Starbucks should never align with.

    If you haven’t seen it, I won’t tell you…. 😉

    • Piper Bayard says:

      Okay. Now I’m really curious. I can think of several they should never align with so I’m not sure which one you mean, but I’m guessing I should thank you for you discretion in the comments. Thank you. 🙂

  9. brennagrimes says:

    Omnom gummy bear dress.

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