The End is Near (and we deserve it). . . . Squeez Bacon in a Bottle

My editor/mentor/friend and Best Selling Author Kristen Lamb started a trend this week of giving me +K on Klout about Bacon. Several others followed suit, and this week’s End is Near is my expression of gratitude. Thank you for associating me with the choice gastronomic delight of Mt. Olympus. 🙂

So many uses, so little time. *deep sigh* I’m betting this will be a post-apocalyptic staple along with Twinkies and Spam.

Announcements, Blogs, and Articles in No Particular Order

Speaking of bacon, the awesome Prince of Prose and Porcine Delights, Ryne Douglas Pearson, now has his books Confessions and All for One available in audio. Also, watch for his new release, Cop Killer, later this summer.

New York Times Best Selling Author and Heckuva Guy James Rollins released his latest Sigma Force novel, Bloodline, this week. In it, war dog Kane and his handler join the Sigma Force team. Watch for an interview with this outstanding author  here with Bayard & Holmes on Monday, and click on this link for James Rollins’ Bloodline Tour Dates. Don’t be shy. Stop in and say hello. He’s a very nice man.

Jenny Hansen hosts Kasey Matthews, author of Preemie: Lessons in Love, Life, and Motherhood. Inside the Life of a Preemie Parent

As my son says, “When life gives you lemons, say ‘screw this’ and go get a steak.” Susie Lindau knows where to find her steak where the weather is concerned. I Am So Hot! and Dancing for Rain! A Colorado Wildfire Photo Essay

My friend and high school classmate Bob Farkas sent me this spoof on espionage which isn’t entirely a spoof. Tradecraft at The Covert Comic, by John Alejandro King.

Great advice for writers who are experiencing ‘white out’ from International Best Selling Author and Graceful Lady Vicki Hinze. White Out–When Writers Blank Out on the Page

The funny and clever zombie advocate, Shantnu Tiwari, reports that Zombies Demand Equal Pay and Rights.

Facebook’s New ‘Find Friends Nearby’ Feature: Creepy or Clever?

I found this kind of cool. Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman created this giant Rubber Duck that measures nearly 12 meters high as part of his Rubber Duck Project in 2009. Since then Hofman has taken the Duck around the world to float it down rivers and other major international water-ways. No doubt it baffles people, but I’m guessing it brings on lots of smiles.

As Hofman says, “The Rubber Duck knows no frontiers, it doesn’t discriminate (against) people and doesn’t have a political connotation.” It just makes people smile. This video was taken in Osaka, Japan where rubber ducks are apparently quite proliferous.

Okay, fess up. Will you be trying the Squeez Bacon? 

All the best to all of you for a week of simple smiles.

Piper Bayard

34 comments on “The End is Near (and we deserve it). . . . Squeez Bacon in a Bottle

  1. Running from Hell with El says:

    The ducks are adorable. The Facebook feature is very creepy (and so is the fact that our e-books read us–see this mornings WSJ article in the Personal Journal section). And the squeezable bacon has me screaming and running for the exit.

  2. susielindau says:

    Thanks so much for the shout out! Tell your son that I will have my steak medium rare. 🙂
    That rubber duck is HUGE! Love all the little ducks…
    Cant’ wait to see James Rollins. It will be fun to see him up close and all personal-like!
    Have a great weekend Piper!

  3. K.B. Owen says:

    Eww, no squeeze bacon for me! I like mine crispy. LOVE the duckies, LOL! Thanks, Piper, and have a great weekend!

  4. Laird Sapir says:

    Ok, I love bacon, but this has me confused. It is either 42 shades of just-plain-wrong or an invention of stunning genius. Either way, I agree: it is definitely a sign of the apocalypse.

    How did that line in Revelations go again…
    “I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bottle of squeezable bacon, and he was given a sandwich, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest…”
    Something like that, anyway…

    • Piper Bayard says:

      LMAO! I think you are exactly accurate in that quote. Reminds me of my daughter telling me about history when she was seven, and how the Huns settled North America and fought the Civil War. Definitely a sign! 🙂

  5. tomwisk says:

    Gotta move to Sweden, pronto. Squeeze bacon wow!!!! What a concept. A heart attack you can squeeze onto your oatmeal, brownies and chocolate chip cookies.

  6. Andrew says:

    Hey if the end if the world is coming, it should at least taste like bacon! Thinking I’ll stick with bacon bits myself.

  7. Love the ducks! I don’t know if I’ll try the squeeze bacon…I bought ‘Baconaise’ and was kind of underwhelmed.

    Have a great weekend, Piper, Bacon Queen!

    • Piper Bayard says:

      LOL. I like ‘Baconaise’ as a name for this stuff. And I like that title. I’ll practice my queen wave. Perhaps I’ll have a stick of chocolate bacon for a scepter. 🙂

  8. brennagrimes says:

    I admit, I didn’t make it through the entire post after the “squeeze bacon”. Did I just throw up a little in my mouth? I may have. My apologies.

  9. The ducks look cute and goody good. A little too good in my view. Are we sure they are not plotting to overthrow the government & take over the world?

    Wouldn’t be the first time either…..

    • Piper Bayard says:

      I think you’re onto something, Shantnu. Our Department of Homeland Security will doubtless be opening a new Devious Ducks Division and start searching under their feathers. 🙂

  10. Catie Rhodes says:

    Okay. When I first read squeez bacon, I thought it was something for dogs. Kong brand sells these cans of paste dog treats. The can looks like those old cheez whiz cans and works about the same way.

    Confession: It may just be me, but I think that squeeze bacon looks like doodoo. I am not sure I could eat that. I might buy some for my dog. 😀

    • I had that same thought on the Squeezbacon. But I think it will be popular among pig meat fanatics who don’t like to cook the stuff. For me, I would miss the little bit of fat and the crunchy texture. It just wouldn’t taste the same without those attributes.

      • Piper Bayard says:

        I have to agree about that texture. I think that’s the most unappealing thing to me about this product. This bacon would seem like it’s already been eaten, I think.

    • Piper Bayard says:

      LOL. It would make certainly make more sense for dogs. Someone is missing a bet here. 🙂

  11. No! I already eat fake bacon (and like it). At least veggie bacon comes in strips you can put in bacon butties (which I’ll point out is a bacon sandwich).

    I see James Rollins has several dates in Texas – he must have liked the place 🙂


  12. A resounding N.O. to the squeeze bacon, thank you very much, but the rubber duck is awesome. Congrats on the +Klout about Bacon. Prestigious!

  13. Julie Glover says:

    No, thanks to squeeze bacon. Yes, indeed! to giving Piper a +Klout on Bacon.

  14. Squeeze bacon scares me, I think it might be the cause of the zombie Apocalypse- mix it with a cold virus and Lysol and bam mutant zombie making germs.

  15. Dave says:

    That is just NASTY…I wouldn’t feed squeez bacon to my dog, because I love my dog. But there ARE people that should receive cases of it for xmas.

  16. […] WOULD YOU EAT SQUEEZE BACON OUT OF A PLASTIC BOTTLE? Neither would Piper Bayard. But you should see the commercial right here. […]

  17. Squeeze bacon beats ‘bacon ice-cream topping’ and trumps ‘bunless double burger fillings served in paper bags’.

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